End-To-End Approach Is Necessary For Business Growth in Energy Trading

Traditionally, end-to-end business processes have always been thought of as processes aimed at starting from the customer and ending at the customer. However, this may not be the case in a practical situation, especially since business processes have always been described as functional sub processes. This explains why process maps such as sales, procurement, production and so on are found in such business map processes. Surprisingly, the same case applies where it comes to energy businesses, which are considered somehow sensitive. Nevertheless, all these processes are essentially a part of a value chain for creating services and products in an organization for a consumer.

Generally, end to end is built on the logic that removing a significant number of middle layers or even steps as possible will help in optimizing performance as well as efficiency in all types of business process. This could, for instance, mean connecting buyers and sellers directly in the energy businesses arena or manufacturing. This usually happens when one firm offers a service to another company in which it manages all aspects of design, as well as production of a specific product; end product straight to the end user. So, what changes can businesses trading in the energy market expect? There are several changes that such businesses can expect to experience or at least facilitate.

For starters, if a business undertakes this approach, the 900 shift of the organization will no longer make sense. Process management in the end to end approach cannot be viewed as an alternative to the conventional organizational structure and specifically to the functional organization. However, it is simply a component in organizational design, equivalent to the line system, functions, staff functions and structural units among many others in the organization.


 Secondly, such an organizational component can contribute significantly towards integration of the services creation in firms, flexibility in adapting to changes and management control. As such, it is tremendously helpful in areas or at times when classical profit and loss and cost reports are not enough to manage critical business processes. Although they cannot be taken as wonder solution for every problem being felt within the organization, they can be considered a focused organizational instrument for supporting specific goals of a firm.

Lastly, with end-to-end business process improvement, it is of utmost importance for firms to focus on the aspect of management as far as process management is concerned. This is especially because end to end approach cannot be used in improving all process continuously at all times. This means that the approach should serve as a support in establishing business process management as a real management approach.


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